Tuesday, April 24, 2012

4G conference

Attended a 4G conference at Trerice on Friday. Unlike the one back in November, this was solely for the Government bodies and other parties involved in the future of the 4G spectrum. MPs were supposed to have been there, but due to a late sitting in the House on Thursday, they didn't attend. On the other hand, there were several senior Civil Servants plus Ofcom members as well as some other bodies.

The event was most interesting and four of us "Trialists" gave our views on the technology, equipment and what the 4G connection was like for us.

Met up with several BT and Everything Everywhere management people who I have met before - which allowed me to push for extension of the trial (especially when Ofcom were there too!).

No, Google, no!

I hate the "new look" Gmail. I do not want it, yet Google have enforced this eyesore upon us.

Perhaps Google's top designers didn't get the message when so many people commented about how ugly and unpleasant to use the new look was when first produced. Or perhaps they did - after all, they held back on making it compulsary to change until now. But surely, the number of people hitting the "revert to old look temporarily" button if the new look sneaked in, should have warned the designers that people hated it.

Now it is here - forced upon us with no "revert to old look..." button.
I suppose Google will just ride this backlash out - after all, most Gmail users will not find it a practical option to delete their accounts and move to an alternative. Although I have several email accounts, the Gmail one is the one I give out to general contacts - keeping my others for specific uses.

A good example of why "cloud" computing is dangerous. The guy with the server can call the tune and you dance as requested. I cannot understand why so many computing people are being sucked into the idea that storing files and data on some remote server is a good idea.

Can I also point out to Google that changes for the sake of it on other products is bloody stupid. They are messing with the Blogger interface now as well.....

I hate change for the sake of giving someone something to do - if it adds a missing required feature, then fair enough; but change simply to keep idiots employed in doing something is crap.